I'm only just wakin up to this year. Its definately an odd one. I can't quite get a handle on it. There seems to be a cart load of changes swilling through the world. But for there grandness, importantfulness, bizarreness, it just feels very distant.
There's was this program about dreams the other night with a weird fact. You're not as asleep at night as you thought you were, you just immobilized.
The theory goes that during the REM period of sleep when you're eyes flicker. You're not fully dreaming like we thought, the brain is up and running as much as it is during the day.
The only difference being that during the day is its getting external stimulus from your senses. During the night, you're body is switched off for repairs, but the conscious/sub-conscious is flickering on as usual.
Asleep or awake, the brain is 100% cooking, processing, digesting and gurgitating.
And that's kind of how I feel about this year so far, kind a noisey, but not as distracting as it should be.